Cardiac Pulmonary Training

Specialises in cardiac rehabilitation exercise (CVD), pulmonary rehabilitation exercise (COPD) and stroke survivors rehabilitation exercise. You can purchase one to one training sessions, or classes, either in person or online.

In person sessions take place in North London.

One to one sessions are tailored specifically to the needs of my clients, and what goals they want to achieve.

Classes are delivered accordingly to the health condition, and alternatives are alway offered so all levels of health / fitness can participate.

Online exercise classes


  • “Helping clients to get stronger and more physically active, which helps to achieve the tasks of everyday living with more ease”

    portrait of siobhan
  • Specialised exercise to help clients have increase stamina, increase strength and have more energy.

    Siobhan instructing a woman exercising
  • Specialised exercise to help improve breathing, and activities of daily living to become easier.

    man exercising in gym
  • Functional exercises to help improve movement and strength. Exercise programmes are designed around clients goals

    Siobhan instructing an exercise
  • Breathe With Ease Exercise Class helps to improve your breathing , - Healthy Heart & Calm Mind Exercise Class helps to strengthen the heart and meditation to calm the mind

    siobhan exercise slider
  • The Healthy Heart and Mind class will improve mobility, circulation, improve stamina , increased muscle strength and get the heart fitter.

    siobhan exercise slider


  • Joan Garrick

    I attended exercise classes given by Siobhan Rogers from 2007 to 2014, when I had to stop due to lack of transport. These were classes for the over 50's, called "Healthy Bones". They were partly sitting, and partly standing, and Siobhan worked all our muscle groups and joints. I am now in my mid 80's and since ceasing the classes I have developed one ache or pain after another, the worst being "plantar fasciitis". And I am sure these would...

  • Kevin Mullan

    I was referred to Siobhan’s pulmonary rehabilitation group sessions about two years ago. Although challenging, Siobhan’s individual attention and direct feedback for improvement has made a significant difference to my breathing, fitness and personal wellbeing in general. While shielding during lockdown, Siobhan created virtual classes using Zoom. These were great as I didn’t miss out on the continuation. She also provided me with written instructions in order to repeat the training regularly at home. Subsequently, she created a video of...

  • Alice (age 62)

    When I was referred to pulmonary rehabilitation I was in denial that exercise would help my lung condition. I am pleased to say that after my first exercise session with Siobhan I felt the benefit, I had more energy after the class. Over the last year I have seen improvements in my health, I have more energy to do daily tasks, I go out more where as before I used to avoid going out due to my lung condition. Since...

  • Anna

    I decided to keep exercising during my pregnancy and to start as early as possible. I found Siobhan via her website and double checked her diploma on the REP website. It was important for me to trust the trainer and be confident she would know exactly what to do, and not to do with the specificity my condition. I exercised with her for 7.5 months and stopped a few weeks only before my due date. I have been very happy...

  • Mary Thomas

    I have never been much of a fan of structured exercise so it is something of a surprise to me that I enjoy the breathe easy classes led by Siobhan. I find Siobhan to be always cheerful, extremely encouraging and very patient. She makes a great effort to explain each of the exercises, is always happy to find an alternative if there is a particular exercise that you can't do and generally encourages you throughout the class. She takes time...

  • Sam (age 48)

    Since starting the exercise programme my mobility has improved and my over all strength has increased. In my left shoulder I had reduced range of movement but I have worked on it with certain exercises and now it moves more freely and is pain free....

  • Dacre Punt

    When I had completed Pulmonary Rehabilitation Classes it was suggested that should I wish to continue with these exercises I should contact Siobhan Rogers at the Royal Free Charity Rehabilitation Club right next door to the hospital. This I did and the weekly attendance at her classes has become essential. To paraphrase Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar : “ She is constant as the Northern star “ Always on time, ebulliant, and on the very few occasions when I have been the...

  • Yvonne Alweiss

    I have been attending Siobhan Rogers' weekly Cardiac Pulmonary Exercise class since November 2016. Siobhan is a wonderful teacher. She makes sure that we perform the exercises correctly and gives help where needed. She has a pleasant manner and I think is liked by everyone. She is hoping to restart the class in October 2017. I look forward to that. Meanwhile I wish her all the very best for the future....

  • Tim May

    Now in my mid-70s, I have a long history of chronic COPD and severe arthritis with bi-lateral hip replacements. Having been diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer the previous month, I joined Siobhan’s classes in May 2015, keen to get and remain as fit as possible. The classes exceeded my expectations. I found them far superior to the classes I had previously experienced, and excellent value for money. Siobhan’s approach is highly competent, structured and well organised. She is very professional,...

  • George K (age 70)

    I have been exercising with Siobhan Rogers for the past 4 years and I can say this has been the way for me to keep fit and consequently keep away from additional heart medication. The results are confirmed by the annual medical tests. I can recommend the routine to others....

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